Patricia will extract info from IPs
Suppose you collect a humongous set of different ip addresses, and they have propoerties such as country, security info, level of trust, login names, urls, etc.
A quick way to build a tree of ip,properties against you can check huge amountsof IPs is by using Patricia algorithm, and the quickest way, for me, is doing it in Perl.
Check out the patricia module (, and prepare your scripts to build trees.
Once you want to review the porperties of the new bunch of ip addresses, look for matches in the patricia tree strucuture. Fast!!
A quick way to build a tree of ip,properties against you can check huge amountsof IPs is by using Patricia algorithm, and the quickest way, for me, is doing it in Perl.
Check out the patricia module (, and prepare your scripts to build trees.
Once you want to review the porperties of the new bunch of ip addresses, look for matches in the patricia tree strucuture. Fast!!